Frequently Asked Questions
Please refer to this section if you have any questions about the process of purchasing one of our Maine Coon kittens. If it is not answered here, feel free to contact us.
Our current prices as of December 20th 2024:
$2,700 base rate for solid/tabby kittens
+$500 for polydactyl
+$500 for silver/smoke/ticked
+$500 high smoke
**Coming soon!**$4500 base rate for blue eyed kittens
***All prices are subject to GST
Prices Include:
breeder slip for registration with TICA
2 year limited health guarantee
first 2 sets of vaccines
multiple dewormings
clean bill of health from veterinarian
One month free pet insurance through Trupanion
Spay/Neuter Contract with 3rd party SpaySecure
Do you keep a waiting list?
We currently have 2 lists: A general waitlist and a Priority List.
General Waitlist
must fill out kitten application and be approved
no obligation
no particular order
no guarantee
Priority List
​must fill out kitten application to be approved.
contract is for one year, but may extend for up to 2 years.
guaranteed spot on list once contract signed and deposit paid in first come first served order. **
guaranteed price quoted at time of signing contract and deposit paid
deposit of 40% and goes towards total cost of kitten.
**breeder always has first choice of kittens. Those wanting 2 or more kittens from the same litter get bumped up to first priority.
Please click HERE to fill out an application!
My preference is for people to come to our home and pick the kitten(s) up themselves. If we have to deliver a kitten, it means time away from the responsibilities at our farm. We enourage people to come visit Nelson when picking up your kitten! It's a wonderful place to visit - a real "artsy" little town with many good restaurants and things to see! However, we can arrange delivery for an additional cost which involves cost of gas both ways, hotel, our time, and flight if applicable:
Delivery by car - we are willing to drive the kitten to meet you in Kamloops, Kelowna, Vancouver, and Calgary or anywhere in between.
Direct flight from Calgary airport. This also involves purchasing an approved kennel for the flight.
How does the reservation process work?
Please click here for more information.
What is SpaySecure and Is There a Cost?
We use a company called SpaySecure to protect your kitten’s health. SpaySecure uses binding contracts to ensure cat sterilization at a healthy age. They’ll follow up with you to provide advice and reminders, ensuring your kitten’s sterilization. The cost of the SpaySecure program is included in the kitten price. The cost of the actual spay/neuter surgery is the responsibility of the buyer. All of our kittens must be altered by 6 months of age. To find out more about SpaySecure please visit their website: https://owners.spaysecure.com/how_it_works
Do you offer Breeding Rights to your cats?
We would like to start working with a limited number of registered breeders. If you are a registered breeder and are looking for breeding rights, please reach out to us!
Do you offer tours of the cattery?
We do not give tours for several reasons.
1. Privacy: This is our private home and property. We are not a petting zoo.
2. Safety: The health of our cats is our #1 priority. People can bring in bactiera and virus on their shoes and clothing.
3. Time: The majority of our time is spent with the cats, as well as attending to other farm chores, work and family life.
Exception: If you have reserved a kitten, you may come pick up the kitten at our location at the pre-planned "go-home" date. At this time, we are happy to show you where the cats live.
***We are happy to give video tours and do video chats with prospective kitten owners.
Do you offer a health guarantee?
Yes, it is lined out clearly in our contract. To view a sample contract, click the link below.
How old are kittens when they go to new homes?
Kittens "go-home" date is at the 12 weeks mark. By 12 weeks of age, we ensure kittens have been seen twice by a vet, received 2 sets of shots, microchip, and multiple dewormings. They will be using the litter box and eating solid food. The mama cat will be able to gradually wean from nursing, as well as teach the kittens how to hunt and groom themselves. Keeping the kittens this long also allows us to monitor their personality and place them with appropriate families. It just allows for an overall more confident and self-adjusted kitten.
How many kittens do you have per year?
We are a small, home based cattry. We do not always have kittens. We plan to have 3 litters in 2025, but this all depends on what the cats want to do!
Where do the cats live?
We are a cage-free cattery. All our cats live in our home and receive daily love and affection. Our cats have their own "bedrooms" that they live in at night and when we are not at home. The adult males and females are separated when not supervised to ensure that everyone gets along and there are no unplanned pregnancies.
What do the cats eat?
We feed a whole prey raw diet by a Canadian company called Back2Raw. We are big advocates of a whole prey, moisture-rich raw diet, and offer support to our clients. All kittens are weaned onto raw. We feed raw from 3 differnt Canadian brands: Carnivora, Back2Raw and a dehydrated brand called Smack. Not into feeding raw? Although we do highly suggest continuing with a mositure rich, whole prey raw diet, we will support you with making healthy choices for your kitten, and can recommend other raw brands as well as brands for wet food and kibble. Here is a great article with more info about a raw diet for cats and kittens: Click HERE
Do you send individual photos to people?
No, photos and videos are posted daily on our social media accounts. Please be sure to follow our Facebook, Instagram and TikTok accounts.